My heart sings
I just heard from Annette who taught our most recent local sewing class. Working with a group of 8 beginning sewers, Annette and the volunteers who helped her were bubbling with excitement, clearly a reflection of the enthusiasm of the group they taught. A celebration...

It takes a village
We do not live in a vacuum. We are here to interact with one another. We are here to lift one another up and walk alongside one another. This is so true for The Sewing Machine Project. We exist because an idea was lifted up and people felt its power. Individuals and...

Our Spring 2019 Newsletter
Join the Community! Here is the link to our Spring 2019 Newsletter. Please read and enjoy. If you'd like to receive these biannual newsletters automatically, please sign up through the "Contact" portion of our website and we'll happily keep you in the loop!...

Our Amazing Board
The Sewing Machine Project board of directors is integral in the everyday operation of the organization as well as the big picture view.

20–The Chief and the Queen
"You'll want to get in touch with Queen Rukiya and Chief Howard", Cherice advised. We'd been working together for several years and, ever the teacher, Cherice felt it would be helpful, expansive, for me to meet other members of the community, to work with them and...

20–Pretty pretty
When I met Cherice Harrison Nelson for the first time I didn't realize I was meeting a legend. Tall and regal, known as Queen Reesie to many, Cherice carries herself like a queen. Hovering in a cloud of chicory and milk foam, we met at CC's Coffee on Magazine Street...

"Mom, do you know where you're going?" my 14 year old daughter asked incredulously. It was March, 2006 and Maddie peered at the map as we threaded through the Arkansas hills. The clunk, rattle, clunk of the rented Enterprise van had become familiar. I no longer...

Women’s Day
Though The Sewing Machine Project has no gender specific policy, most of the machines we distribute go to women. Since the beginning, groups begun by and working with women find a connection with the work we do. We hear the stories. Stories of great need, of women...

JOIN THE SEWING MACHINE PROJECT AND THE CHURCH OF YOGA FOR A DONATION BASED CLASS BENEFITTING THE NEW ORLEANS MARDI GRAS INDIAN COUNCIL When I walked through the double shotgun house that is becoming the Center for the New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian Council I couldn't...

Somebody gotta sew!
"Somebody gotta sew sew sew" This time of year my thoughts drift to New Orleans, imagining the Mardi Gras Indians in their final days of preparation for Mardi Gras Day when the world will first see their new suits. Colors and stories unveiled, magic is...