Paying it Forward in Local Sewing Classes
Our first round of local classes came to an end yesterday. There were two 6-week classes, one on Mondays and one on Fridays. Local teacher, Rebecca Sites did a masterful job of leading the classes--I have to say, I knew she'd be perfect and I was right. Rebecca has...

Volunteer Day-Let the pictures tell the story…
We had a huge, wonderful Volunteer Day this past Saturday...30 volunteers, 135 machines, a 16 foot truck, 4 giant pizzas and more smiles and love than one can convey on a page. We've received so many machines in recent months that we've had a hard time keeping up so I...

Our Fall 2012 Newsletter
Join the Community! Here is a link to our Fall 2012 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our biannual newsletters directly in your inbox, please sign up through our website. We'll happily keep you in the loop!

Big smiles, open hearts!
I talked to Rebecca yesterday. She's teaching our newest local programs at the Catholic Multicultural Center here in Madison. These classes are kind of a pilot thing that began with the classes for Bhutanese refugees in the spring. Rebecca's expanded that program for...

I'll admit it...this weekend started out jangly. My mind and heart were rambling to places they shouldn't go but sometimes, knowing these things isn't enough to change them. Rather, I find it better to try and be still and figure out what it is I'm supposed to learn...

It takes a village…
I needed to load 20 machines on a pallet and ship them to New Orleans. Behind the 8Ball on this one, I was rushing around to organize which machines to send and where I'd get them. So it was that yesterday I ran over to the Lake Edge Lutheran Church, our current home,...
New local programs
When we offered basic sewing classes for newly arrived Bhutanese refugees last spring we were so excited to extend a hand of welcome into the Madison community. Teaching out of the Catholic Multicultural Center in Madison, we were impressed with all the programs they...

Machines to India
My sweet friend Tricia is such an adventurer. Her young, restless soul is all too familiar to me (ok, maybe not the young part...). It's so cool, though, that Tricia seeks ways to help others in this world while learning about other cultures during her travels. So it...

Machines to Guatemala
Today was the day!! After months of planning, researching and preparing we shipped 83 machines to a group called Mayan Families in Panajachel, Guatemala. Mayan Families already has a little sewing program going but there has been so much interest that they needed...

Help when we need it
Recently, I put out a call to volunteers to help us wade through the huge donation from Bernina of America. We received 325 machines, all the same model, but in varying degrees of repair...some brand new, others in need of attention. What a great gift! So I asked for...