Fall 2018 Newsletter

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Here is the link to our Fall 2018 Newsletter. If you’d like to receive our newsletters by email, please sign up through our website! We’d love to keep you in the loop! https://mailchi.mp/b942862817a6/our-2018-fall-newsletter  

Focus on Donors: Third Stage Bags

Focus on Donors: Third Stage Bags

Cecilia Plum is a name that sounds like music to me. When I received a message through the Sewing Machine Project website recently asking me to contact her I had to look back through my files to see where I’d heard the name before. Sure enough, there she was in our...

Focus on Donors: Erika Barratt Design

Focus on Donors: Erika Barratt Design

The phone call from Erika Barratt came out of the blue. Driving along in rural Arkansas, on a sewing machine delivery trip, I picked up my phone to hear Erika's lyrical voice. She introduced herself and told me a little bit about her business. Her description alone...

Sewing and Healing

Sewing and Healing

When sharing The Sewing Machine Project with others I often struggle to find the words to convey the depth of connection within this organization. Though we began with a simple wish to gather and share machines, I've learned over the years that the connections, the...

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Spring 2018 Newsletter

Here is the link to our Spring 2018 Newsletter. If you’d like to receive our newsletters by email, please sign up through our website! We’d love to keep you in the loop! https://mailchi.mp/cbd4e3a63590/sew-much-going-on-our-spring-newsletter  

Well, hello there, Eldredge!

Well, hello there, Eldredge!

We meet regularly at The Sewing Machine Project to look over and prepare machines that have been donated to us--machines that are en route to their next home. Many cases are familiar, even before opening. I often look and think "oh, I know what you are!" before I even...

Common Threads

Common Threads is available on Amazon.com

Common Threads, about the evolution and development of The Sewing Machine Project, is available now!

Make a Financial Donation Today

Your donations help us get machines into the hands of those who need them.

CBS Evening News

The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News Click here to see us on The CBS Evening News.

People Making a Difference Podcast

People Making a Difference Podcast

Recently we shared our story on the People Making a Difference Postcast.

Click here to listen.

The Sew & So Podcast

Sew and So Podcast

We were so thankful for the opportunity afforded us by the Sew & So podcast to tell our story.

Click here to listen.

WPT – The Sewing Machine Project on Wisconsin Life

The Healing Power of Sewing

The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Listen to Margaret's Wisconsin Life interview.

Television Interviews

Television Interviews Visit our video archive to view our television appearances.


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