Louisiana 2012-A beautiful new SeaHope bag!
This SeaHope bag represents a beautiful collaboration! When we first dreamed up the Artists' Bag series, Cherice Harrison-Nelson, "Queen Reesie" of the Guardians of the Flame, made some beautiful medallions to use on a bag. I just didn't have a bag that would do them...

Louisiana, February 2012
I arrived in New Orleans Wednesday to a 70 degree day--a welcome change after our Wisconsin winter. This is a busy trip! I'll be working the VDTA/SDTA trade show starting on Sunday so I thought I'd come a few days early and bring some machines, work on our projects. I...

Kenmare High School in New Jersey
In October of 2010 I had the honor of visiting Kenmare High School in Jersey City, New Jersey. This alternative high school offers an alternative, a second chance to women facing poverty by not only offering a more holistic education but also a place to live, life...
Thank You, ASG!
Tonight I was the presenter for an American Sewing Guild webinar. I'd never done one before! It was such a treat to be asked to talk about the work we do at The Sewing Machine Project. Even more than that, it was so sweet to know that people all over the country were...

Local links to Bhutan
About 8 months ago I read about Bhutanese families relocating to the Madison area. These are people who have endured so much, have been uprooted from their homes and have been on the move for years now. After spending time in refugee camps they have found their way to...

Threads Magazine!
Check out the latest issue of Threads Magazine! A lovely article features information on The Sewing Machine Project and our latest initiatives. What an honor!! Thank you, Threads!

Our Fall 2011 Newsletter
Join the Community! Here is a link to our Fall 2011 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our biannual newsletters directly in your inbox, please sign up through our website. We'll happily keep you in the loop!
You’re right there…
This year has been an interesting one for The Sewing Machine Project. It's been different. Honestly, since it's inception, The Sewing Machine Project has fallen into place so naturally, it often takes my breath away. The right people, the right connections...they've...

Letting the answers come
I am struck so often, recently, by the need for connection here in the United States. Despite the fact that we have more ways than ever before to connect with one another we seem to be more disconnected. On a large scale, this country could not be more divided. It...
Quilt Expo 2011
This past weekend was Quilt Expo, here in Madison, Wisconsin. What a busy time that is! It's so much fun to see familiar faces and meet many new friends. So many people stopped by our booth to chat, learn more, make a donation. We took in 8 machines, a little fabric...