Wing and a prayer
The idea came to me so vividly. We would soon be traveling to Houston for the International Quilt Festival to set up a booth and share The Sewing Machine Project. Houston. And every sewing machine brand would be at the Festival as well. Houston. Hurricane Harvey....

Fall Newsletter 2017
Here is the link to our Fall 2017 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our newsletters by email, please sign up through our website! We'd love to keep you in the loop!...

Provokestyle Fashion Camp-Florida
Merline Labissiere's application for machines was a dream in action. A finalist in Project Runway season 14, Ms. Labissiere couldn't wait to teach kids to sew. She started the Provokestyle nonprofit to get this idea going. Working with kids from two communities in...

Spring Newsletter 2017
Our spring/summer newsletter for 2017 is available now. Enjoy!

Beauty-Full Bags from Bluefig
Let me just start by saying that Bluefig makes great bags. Designed with crafters and sewers in mind, the bags are strong and beautiful, thoughtfully-designed and just plain fun! While admiring the bags at a trade show I got talking to Will Macia who runs the company....

Bib and Tucker, Birmingham
by Chris Thomas, SMP board member Think of the old-time quilting bee and you’ll have an idea of what goes on at the Bib and Tucker Sew-Op. Women’s fingers are busy cutting and stitching while their chatter fills the room. Stories are swapped. Friendships are cemented....

Update from our Cuban sewers
An update from our sewing sisters in Cuba!

This Just in from South Trail Library system!
The South Trail Library sewing program in Florida is going strong!

SewSmart! Our newest collection sites!
We are pleased to announce two new collection sites in north central Wisconsin!

Mayan Families update
A recent update from our friends in Guatemala.