What the world needs now…

What the world needs now…

I was with a group of women one night last week and the conversation went to a very odd place. One of the women began talking about her distrust of other cultures, of a general feeling of...for lack of a better word...fear. And it wasn't pretty. As I listened I felt...

Sewing With Nancy

The Sewing Machine Project  was featured on the Nancy's Corner segment of Sewing With Nancy in 2010. Better late than never, here's that clip! Sewing With Nancy

Takes my breath away!

Takes my breath away!

The Sewing Machine Project post office box is such a source of good things! I get so excited whenever I open it to find a personally addressed envelope inside...something other than bank statements and government documents. Sometimes there are little notes giving...

Our Fall 2010 Newsletter

Our Fall 2010 Newsletter

Join the Community! Here is a link to our Fall 2010 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our biannual newsletters directly in your inbox, please sign up through our website. We'll happily keep you in the loop!

Quilting Arts/Stitch Blog

Quilting Arts/Stitch Blog

From the Quilting Arts website: http://www.quiltingarts.com/blogs/stitch/archive/2010/10/21/seahope-partners-and-more-news-from-the-sewing-machine-project.aspx

Enchanted Makeovers Collaboration

Enchanted Makeovers Collaboration

Recently, I learned of an amazing effort called Enchanted Makeovers. Their purpose is to bring hope and vision into the lives of women living in homeless and battered womens shelters. Sometimes they makeover the entire shelter, and other times they host events which...

Southern Louisiana, July 2010 II

Southern Louisiana, July 2010 II

I am here in Louisiana learning more about the southern part of the state, talking to people affected by the oil spill, learning how The Sewing Machine Project can help. I am learning so much. I am in Terrebonne Parish, an area where most everyone either works in the...

Common Threads

Common Threads is available on Amazon.com

Common Threads, about the evolution and development of The Sewing Machine Project, is available now!

Make a Financial Donation Today

Your donations help us get machines into the hands of those who need them.

CBS Evening News

The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News Click here to see us on The CBS Evening News.

People Making a Difference Podcast

People Making a Difference Podcast

Recently we shared our story on the People Making a Difference Postcast.

Click here to listen.

The Sew & So Podcast

Sew and So Podcast

We were so thankful for the opportunity afforded us by the Sew & So podcast to tell our story.

Click here to listen.

WPT – The Sewing Machine Project on Wisconsin Life

The Healing Power of Sewing

The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Listen to Margaret's Wisconsin Life interview.

Television Interviews

Television Interviews Visit our video archive to view our television appearances.


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