I will make clothes for my family…
Melanie Guttierrez writes: I will make clothes for my family and for school functions and do repairs for family and neighbors.
I will make clothes for my son…
Willette Malder wrote: I will make clothes for my son. I will pay it forward by doing things for those less fortunate than myself.
etown Broadcast!…with updates
Due to technical difficulties on the local Madison station, 1055 triple m, the show didn't air properly on Sunday 5/18. Triple M and etown have kindly collaborated to re-air the project featuring the Sewing Machine Project, the Bodeans, Over the Rhine, and Doug Fine,...
I will teach my granddaughter to sew…
Shirley Madison wrote: I will teach my granddaughter to sew. It gives me an activity to do with my granddaughter.
I am using the sewing machine from your kind heart…
Denise writes: I am using the sewing machine from your kind heart to pay it forward. I make quilts for charity with my Stitch in Time Quilting Guild. We donate quilts, adult bibs, wheel chair bags, & pillowcases to CASA, battered Women’s shelters in New Orleans,...
Your kindness is greatly appreciated…
Patrice writes: Your kindness is greatly appreciated. My new machine is actually a lot nicer that the one I had which was a hand-me-down from my Aunt. I was unable to pick up the machine from the church and Margaret was kind enough to bring the machine to the hotel...
My new machine is so high-tech…
Melanie writes: My new machine is so high-tech I can hardly believe everything it does! I am about to start sewing children’s clothes- especially fancy dress clothes and heirloom style clothing that is much fancier than parents can find in stores. I will especially...
Sewing Sows Seed of Hope
Please read the beautiful article Sheila Strupe wrote for the April 20 edition of the New Orleans Times-Picayune. Sewing Sows Seed of Hope
5 Machines!
I am continually amazed by how things fall into place in this project. Not that there isn't a lot of hard work in the background but sometimes things happen that continue to reinforce the fact that this is meant to be. Here's another example... I had contacted Anna...

Brookfield Academy donates to The Sewing Machine Project
I recently received an e-mail from a faculty member at Brookfield Academy informing me of their most recent service effort. They had read about the Sewing Machine Project in the UW Alumni Newsletter in the Fall of '07 and decided to take up a collection of machines,...