Our Fall 2009 Newsletter

Our Fall 2009 Newsletter

  Join the Community! Here is a link to our Fall 2009 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our biannual newsletters directly in your inbox, please sign up through our website. We'll happily keep you in the loop!

So Much Need

Each time I open The Sewing Machine Project email account there is such a variety of correspondence. There are new signups for our email newsletter (I'm working on one...you'll see it soon!), kind notes, encouraging us to keep up the good work, questions about...

Thank you, Bernina!

Thank you, Bernina!

We are anxiously anticipating the arrival of 25 new Bernette machines from Bernina!  The sewing machines are being donated to jump start our "lending library" initiative. The lending library will offer machines, on loan, to area groups who need them for short term...

Country Woman Magazine!

Take a peek at Country Woman's October/November 2009 issue....that's right, turn to page 49! There we are! Country Woman did a great article about the Sewing Machine Project. I was thrilled that many so women who visited our booth at Quilt Expo had seen the article. ...

Quilt Expo!!

We had such a wonderful time seeing and talking with everyone at Quilt Expo! We once again had the wonderful pins to give to people who made a donation. Our big goal this year was to raise $1000 to pay for the shipping of our wonderful Bernette machines which are...

An Interview on Local Cable

Recently I was asked to appear on our local cable channel in an interview about The Sewing Machine Project. I've attached a link so you can take a peek. Just click on the link and it'll direct you to the Monona Cable website. When the video starts playing, just double...

Thank you, Bernina!

Letter from Kosovo 6-Sealing the deal

We returned from our trip to Kosovo early Wednesday morning after a very long travel day and despite the inconveniences of travel, I found that this gave me much-needed time for reflection...it's almost as if I need to continue reliving each experience to be sure I've...

Thank you, Bernina!

Letter from Kosovo5-unlocking possibilities

Yesterday was spent mainly in the Antigona sewing room in Skenderaj. The group is named Antigona for a woman who fought against the Serbs and died for her country not so very long ago. The grace, dignity and strength of this group of women is unparalleled....

Thank you, Bernina!

We’re in Woman’s Day Magazine!

Check out the July 7th issue of Woman's Day...it's the issue with the dog on the cover. There is an article about the Sewing Machine Project on page 12. It's not very big so don't page past it...but it's there! If you have a minute, shoot off a quick editorial email...

Common Threads

Common Threads is available on Amazon.com

Common Threads, about the evolution and development of The Sewing Machine Project, is available now!

Make a Financial Donation Today

Your donations help us get machines into the hands of those who need them.

CBS Evening News

The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News Click here to see us on The CBS Evening News.

People Making a Difference Podcast

People Making a Difference Podcast

Recently we shared our story on the People Making a Difference Postcast.

Click here to listen.

The Sew & So Podcast

Sew and So Podcast

We were so thankful for the opportunity afforded us by the Sew & So podcast to tell our story.

Click here to listen.

WPT – The Sewing Machine Project on Wisconsin Life

The Healing Power of Sewing

The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Listen to Margaret's Wisconsin Life interview.

Television Interviews

Television Interviews Visit our video archive to view our television appearances.


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