Each time I open The Sewing Machine Project email account there is such a variety of correspondence. There are new signups for our email newsletter (I’m working on one…you’ll see it soon!), kind notes, encouraging us to keep up the good work, questions about donating machines, and always, requests for machines. Each request is accompanied by a story and each one speaks to my heart.

We are working on developing a simple application for machines, because there are just so many requests. There are requests from individuals who are facing hard times and requests from groups in every corner of the world, explaining how a few machines could make the difference between survival and starvation.

I would love to send a machine to every single person and group who asks. I would love to meet you all and hand you this machine and some supplies in person. I want you to know that you are all important to me and to this organization.

And if you are reading this post and you have a machine and are happily, comfortably sewing, please consider sending a financial donation to The Sewing Machine Project. It’s easy to do–just click on the Donate link and it’ll guide you right through the process. Or you can click on the Giving tab and learn how to send a donation through the mail.

We continue to receive donated machines and for that we are so grateful…but we need the financial contributions as well. These are hard times for everyone and machine storage and transportation costs money. Without the financial donations, we cannot get these machines to the people who need them. Plain and simple.

Thank you to everyone who writes, who cares, who helps to make this project a reality. No matter who you are, you matter to us.


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