Southern Louisiana, July 2010
We are beginning a new project called SeaHope Partners. This arm of The Sewing Machine Project aims to help coastal residents affected by the oil spill in the Gulf. We have a couple of different ideas...both pretty exciting. For starters, we are working on a new...
New Orleans Times Picayune June 6
Just returned from a trip to New Orleans. Our main work this time was with John Douthat from AllBrands, with the Adams Street Cultural Development Center and with Cherice Harrison-Nelson and the Mardi Gras Indians. John D. has been so kind and generous and I am...

New Orleans, May 2010
Next week we're returning to New Orleans. When I was there in March I met a dynamic young woman--Nicole Chang. She is part of the Our Legacy program and is working on a new effort called DIVAS. This new group reaches out to high school girls in the New Orleans area,...

A wonderful memory
I received a sewing machine in the mail last week and accompanying the machine was this letter: The enclosed sewing machine belonged to my sister-in-law, Wendy. For 2 1/2 years, Wendy fought the good fight in her battle with lymphoma of the central nervous system. I...

I feel so lucky
I received a phone call this week from a woman who had read about the Sewing Machine Project in the newspaper. "Wow, I had a hard time tracking you down!", she said. Apparently, she'd called the paper, called a collection site, talked with the reporter who had written...

Wisconsin State Journal April 2010
A great SMP update appeared in today's State Journal. The source of the 100 machines that they mention is All Brands in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Sewing Shares-Vision meets Reality
I visited the University Apartments on the campus of UW-Madison last night to see how their sewing classes were going. They are our pilot site for this program and what I saw still has me smiling. It is beautiful to see cultures and traditions blending as women learn...
In memory of a friend…
I received a donation recently with this letter: Enclosed is a donation in memory of my friend, Jeanne Miller, who died last week from metastatic breast cancer. She was an avid quilter and seamstress. We saw information about your organization on Sewing With Nancy and...

Thank you AllBrands!
Not that long ago I was contacted by John, the owner of All Brands, based in Baton Rouge, LA. Initially, we discussed All Brands becoming a collection site for machines and this, in itself, is a wonderful thing. We've needed a collection site in Louisiana and it's...

Cap Times March 2010
Dave Zweiffel called me while I was in Louisiana earlier this month and we chatted about what's going on with the Sewing Machine Project. Here's the article that resulted!