A New Collection Site!

The Sewing Machine Project has a new collection site! Linda of Linda's Sew n So in northwestern Ohio has offered to take in machines for the project. Linda's shop is located in Celina, Ohio at 216 W. Fayette Street. Her phone number is 419-586-2324. What a generous...

People are wonderful

This probably sounds like a very general statement but it is so true. I am thankful every day for all of the people who step forward to make The Sewing Machine Project a success. I look to my Board of Directors, a group who stepped forward one by one to offer their...

Latest New Orleans visit

I've just returned from another trip to New Orleans. This time, we took 50 machines and 30 boxes of books. What an experience! 41 machines went to individuals in what is probably our best distribution yet. With the help of 4 wonderful colleagues, Peter, Kathy, Maggie...

Teach Only Love…

Tess writes: To Margaret and all of the wonderful people who have donated to The Sewing Machine Project, Thank you for allowing me to help pass on all of the lovely machines, fabrics, and notions that were donated for this last round sent to New Orleans! I had the...

Quilt Expo 2008 Wind down…

This morning I'm looking back over the last 3 days of Quilt Expo and it was such a great success. So many people stopped by the Sewing Machine Project booth to talk and learn more about what we're all about. Visitors loved the beautiful copper pins that Michelle had...

Quilt Expo 2008

Today was opening day of Quilt Expo 2008 here in Madison, Wisconsin. What a great crowd, what positive energy, what a wonderful group of people! The Sewing Machine Project has a booth at Quilt Expo for the first time this year and many people stopped by the see what...

All Eyes on Gustav

We've been watching intently as Gustav has approached the coast and tested this area with all it's got. The eyes of the nation have watched New Orleans evacuate and we've held our breath in the hope that the storm will weaken. The worst seems to be over. I will be...

Xavier Children’s Program Update

Earlier this year, we delivered sewing machines to Xavier University's Art Department to outfit their summer Mardi Gras Indians Intensive program. This excellent arts program educates children in the historic art forms that adorn the Mardi Gras Indian suits, not only...

Midwest Donations Update

I am still looking to establish a connection for distributing machines to those who lost theirs earlier this year in the terrible flooding in the Midwest. This arm of the project is on hold temporarily until a partnership has been made. Check back for updates.

Quilt Expo is Just Around the Corner

Quilt Expo, sponsored by Wisconsin Public Television and Nancy Zieman Productions, is a huge event in the Madison area. This year it will run Thursday-Saturday, September 11-13th at the Alliant Energy Center. It's grown by leaps and bounds over the past 3 years. What...

Common Threads

Common Threads is available on Amazon.com

Common Threads, about the evolution and development of The Sewing Machine Project, is available now!

Make a Financial Donation Today

Your donations help us get machines into the hands of those who need them.

CBS Evening News

The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News Click here to see us on The CBS Evening News.

People Making a Difference Podcast

People Making a Difference Podcast

Recently we shared our story on the People Making a Difference Postcast.

Click here to listen.

The Sew & So Podcast

Sew and So Podcast

We were so thankful for the opportunity afforded us by the Sew & So podcast to tell our story.

Click here to listen.

WPT – The Sewing Machine Project on Wisconsin Life

The Healing Power of Sewing

The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Listen to Margaret's Wisconsin Life interview.

Television Interviews

Television Interviews Visit our video archive to view our television appearances.


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