Letter from Kosovo4-understanding

Recently, my son asked me "if you could have any super power, what would it be?" I was at a loss at the time of the question--invisibility? the power to read minds? the ability to fly? This trip has brought me my answer...I wish I had the power to communicate in and...

Letter from Kosovo3 – war never really goes away

Letter from Kosovo3 – war never really goes away

We have been traveling in Kosovo for 5 days and it amazes me how the traces of war are always there. Mostly, I see it in the people. They are kind and warm and incredibly strong. There is a toughness there that's hard to describe but a warmth that's indescribable as...

Letter from Kosovo3 – war never really goes away

Letter From Kosovo 2-The Sewing Room

On day two of our visit we drove to Skenderaj, a region of great conflict during the war, to visit the existing sewing room. I really didn't know what to expect. Upon our arrival we were warmly greeted by the 6 women working there and they were anxious to show us...

Letter From Kosovo-a warm welcome

We arrived in Kosovo yesterday. By "we" I mean myself, Gani Ahmetaj (a Kosovo citizen, residing in the U.S.), Al Anding, who funds this project, and John Kappelman, a dairyman who is interested in helping develop the dairy industry here in Kosovo. Low mountains and...

New Collection Site in Tennessee!

We are so pleased to add In Stitches in Johnson City, Tennessee to our list of collection sites!  Their address is: In Stitches 305 W Oakland Ave Suite 170 Johnson City, TN (423) 283-0456 This all came about because one of their employees asked if they could become a...


It seems that everywhere I see or hear mention of "rewards". We earn rewards for spending a certain amount at countless shops. We earn rewards for banking with certain banks. Airlines reward us with miles and points as we choose them for flights. Even in church one...

Kosovo Update

In April, 16 machines, generously donated by Bernina were sent to Skenderaj, Kosovo and have safely arrived.  In June I will be traveling to Kosovo with Gani Ahmetaj and Al Anding to work on setting up a sewing area and meeting with the local women to plan out a...

Our Spring 2009 Newsletter

Our Spring 2009 Newsletter

Join the Community! Here is a link to our Spring 2009 Newsletter. If you'd like to receive our biannual newsletters directly in your inbox, please sign up through our website. We'll happily keep you in the loop!

Etown Radio rebroadcast this week!

In 2008, the Sewing Machine Project won the echievement award from etown radio. Etown is a national radio program designed to "educate, entertain and inspire a diverse community through music and conversation, to create a socially responsible and environmentally...

Cap Times Madison article!

Please take a moment to read the wonderful article that was recently published in the online and print versions of Madison's Capital Times! There is so much going on with The Sewing Machine Project right now! We have affected hundreds of lives in such a creative way....

Common Threads

Common Threads is available on Amazon.com

Common Threads, about the evolution and development of The Sewing Machine Project, is available now!

Make a Financial Donation Today

Your donations help us get machines into the hands of those who need them.

CBS Evening News

The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News Click here to see us on The CBS Evening News.

People Making a Difference Podcast

People Making a Difference Podcast

Recently we shared our story on the People Making a Difference Postcast.

Click here to listen.

The Sew & So Podcast

Sew and So Podcast

We were so thankful for the opportunity afforded us by the Sew & So podcast to tell our story.

Click here to listen.

WPT – The Sewing Machine Project on Wisconsin Life

The Healing Power of Sewing

The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Listen to Margaret's Wisconsin Life interview.

Television Interviews

Television Interviews Visit our video archive to view our television appearances.


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