Our big fundraiser, the Spring Into Summer event, is right around the corner! Last year, we used the proceeds from this event to pay all of the fees involved with becoming an official 501(c)3 and still had money left over to cover a portion of the machine delivery to New Orleans. We’ve come so far so fast! This year, the proceeds will help us to begin developing sewing collectives in the New Orleans area. These collectives will incorporate sewing education as well as small business education, helping people to mend their communities as well as their own lives.

Please join us for this fun and worthwhile event!

Spring Into Summer Event!
Benefiting the Sewing Machine Project

Saturday, June 21 4-9PM
Tori and Dennis Hull’s home

4811 Tonyawatha Trail,
, Wisconsin

Featuring the music of The Leeding Zeroes

Proceeds from this event will cover the costs of transporting sewing machines to Louisiana as well as establishing educational programs and sewing cooperatives in that region.

$25 suggested donation per person

Feel free to bring a friend!

The beer is cold (and delicious), the friends are fabulous and the cause is real! Don’t miss the party of the summer!

RSVP regrets only 221-1844

Thank you to the Hulls for their kindness and also to
The Great Dane and Capital Brewery for generously donating the beer for this event.

If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation, please send your check to

The Sewing Machine Project
PO Box
, WI 53716

Or visit www.thesewingmachineproject.org to donate online

The Sewing Machine Project is a 501(c)3 Non Profit.
All donations are tax deductible.

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