Fabric and Supply Donations

We are currently accepting the following fabric and supply donations:

Sewing kit supplies:


sharp scissors and snips

new thread


sewing machine needles

seam rippers

marking pencils

tape measures

Cotton Fabric

In One Yard pieces or larger
We cannot accept donations of sewing books, magazines or patterns.
You may want to consider making a financial donation and earmarking it for sewing kit supplies!
Supplies can be dropped off at any of our Wisconsin collection sites, or shipped to:
The Sewing Machine Project
112 Owen Road Box 6245
Monona, WI 53716
(Please note that this is a post office address! Not a collection site.)
Thank you!

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The Sewing Machine Project
Common Threads is available on Amazon.com
The Sewing Machine Project on The CBS Evening News
People Making a Difference Podcast
Sew and So Podcast
The Sewing Machine Project on NPR's Wisconsin Life
Television Interviews
The Sewing Machine Project
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