new ideas sprout like a garden“Are you still collecting sewing machines?”
The question, the sole content of an email, lingered on the page.

“Of course! We are always collecting machines!” I replied, going on to detail how to do so.

It’s been a quiet year for everyone–rethinking, recalculating, reimagining our lives, wondering how things might look on the “other side”. Although the work of the Sewing Machine Project has slowed, it’s been steady. As Director, along with my Board, I bow to the organic nature of the organization and have looked at the past year as a long quiet winter, letting ideas rest and rejuvenate under the snow. We have always described ourselves as “guiding” the organization, rather than cramming it into a mold of what we think it should be. The SMP has a life of its own and respecting its nature brings the most miraculous results.

And then, spring comes. The ice begins to thaw, and ideas begin to sprout. Plans that have lain dormant along with brand new, unforeseen ideas shoot up tiny, bright leaves. With renewed hope we tend the organization like a garden in these tenuous, hopeful times, clearing the debris around the tender sprouts, loosening the dirt so possibility can breathe and stretch. Patiently we watch the weather as undoubtedly, storms will still move through. We protect the tender growth as it gathers strength.

New ideas must be nurtured as they bend towards the light. There is work to be done. I have no doubt that the garden will be glorious.

We’ll keep you posted 🌸

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