heart-in-hand-1280x800I was invited to speak in Eagle River last week at Many Ways of Peace. How lovely to be received by those working for peace! Among the audience members was Emily Bright of WXPR Radio and she did a lovely interview. Here is that link.

I hadn’t been to that part of Wisconsin for many years–what a treat it was to revisit. The woods were lush and green, the lakes clear and cold, the wildlife and wildflowers abundant– “Beautiful” doesn’t begin to touch the lushness of this place.

Staying in a little cabin, hosted by new friends, we were held–truly held–during our stay. Kindness wrapped around us and we rested in its warmth. Nights were cold! But blankets were abundant and in the early light of morning we wandered down to the main house where the wood stove was stoked and we were welcomed in.

Every piece of this visit was a gift. I hope you’ll listen to the interview!


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