Sewing hopeThe turnaround was fast. We heard from the First Immanuel Lutheran church about their upcoming visit to Guatemala. Could they have some machines to take along?

International donations, we’ve learned, are tricky. It forces us as an organization to face what is within our reach and what isn’t (yet). We’ve learned that initiating shipments to foreign lands, without contacts or full understanding of what it takes to actually get them through customs into the hands of those who need them, is a challenge. Not impossible but a challenge to our growing organization.

IMG_0134So we are happy when an application comes in that involves handcarrying the machines from our door through a foreign doorway.

This was one of those applications.

So we quickly approved the ask–three machines. And put Sandy on the job to be the liaison. Last Monday we selected and prepared the machines, three hearty, lightweight machines. Well packed and easy to carry. Thread, scissors, fabric to accompany. Ready to go. And that same afternoon the machines they were picked up.

Off the group went and pictures arrived shortly thereafter. Machines intact. Smiling faces. Sewing underway. Joy.

And when I open these photo files and see those machines in use on the other end, offering new skills and hope, Joy is here as well. IMG_0129

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